Weather forecast Berovo

The maximum temperature for Berovo in the coming week is 27℃, at Thursday 26 September. The lowest temperature is 9℃, at Sunday 22 September. Our Berovo weather forecast shows 9.1mm precipitation the next 7 days at. The windiest day will be Wednesday 25 September and can reach wind speeds of up to 14 km⁄h.

Weather forecast 14 days Berovo

Do you want to know what is the weather forecast for Berovo for the next 14 days? See what the weather will be like in Berovo for the next 2 weeks.

Thursday 19 September

  • Max: 22
  • Min: 11
  • Precipitation: 1.3mm
  • Wind speed: 13km⁄h

Sunday 22 September

  • Max: 24
  • Min: 9
  • Precipitation: 0mm
  • Wind speed: 8km⁄h

Monday 23 September

  • Max: 25
  • Min: 10
  • Precipitation: 0mm
  • Wind speed: 8km⁄h

Tuesday 24 September

  • Max: 26
  • Min: 15
  • Precipitation: 0mm
  • Wind speed: 10km⁄h

Wednesday 25 September

  • Max: 26
  • Min: 13
  • Precipitation: 0mm
  • Wind speed: 14km⁄h

Thursday 26 September

  • Max: 27
  • Min: 13
  • Precipitation: 0mm
  • Wind speed: 10km⁄h

Friday 27 September

  • Max: 29
  • Min: 13
  • Precipitation: 0mm
  • Wind speed: 7km⁄h

Saturday 28 September

  • Max: 29
  • Min: 16
  • Precipitation: 0mm
  • Wind speed: 8km⁄h

Sunday 29 September

  • Max: 28
  • Min: 12
  • Precipitation: 0mm
  • Wind speed: 16km⁄h

Monday 30 September

  • Max: 23
  • Min: 11
  • Precipitation: 0mm
  • Wind speed: 15km⁄h

Tuesday 1 October

  • Max: 20
  • Min: 12
  • Precipitation: 0.8mm
  • Wind speed: 8km⁄h

Wednesday 2 October

  • Max: 20
  • Min: 11
  • Precipitation: 1.6mm
  • Wind speed: 8km⁄h

Berovo, North Macedonia

Source: licensed by Royal Holidays

Average temperature in Berovo (in ℃)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
5 8 12 18 23 28 32 32 26 19 13 7
-2 0 3 7 12 16 19 19 15 10 6 1

Average rainfall in Berovo (in millimeters)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
87 70 93 68 68 54 26 25 49 79 91 94

Average number of wet days in Berovo

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
10 8 9 7 8 9 4 3 4 5 6 8